Game and backend technology
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Game engine
2PED Metaverse was created using Unreal Engine 4.26. The battles take place in a simulation written entirely in C++ that executes game instances in less than a few milliseconds. This is then connected to the Unreal Engine and visualized. The simulation is deterministic, which means that the server can save very small input values and replay any match. The 2PED Metaverse will be able to easily archive every battle that has ever been fought.
Cinematic mode
A cinematic mode (the one shown in the game trailer) allows individuals with less powerful computers to render out matches in high quality. This is made achievable because of the deterministic nature of the underlying simulation.
The level world
Each level in Secret is painstakingly crafted by some of the world's best digital artists. Due to the workflow that heavily relies on an extremely powerful render farm, which enables the game to preprocess much of the computational data so that the graphics load in-game is lower, while still looking rich and detailed, proprietary technology is used to achieve a cinematic feel to the asset.
Our backend is hosted on Amazon Web Services, a world-class Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider (AWS). Our core backend services are built with AWS Lambda using a serverless model. This allows us to provide virtually limitless scalability while still maintaining a cost-effective solution.
We are using AWS due to its features, such as, it enables smooth functioning of applications on this code. All requests for our blockchain, except transactions, go directly to our API endpoint. Our API consists of microservices that run in the Amazon Kubernetes cluster.
Payment channels
2PED Metaverse is built on and backed by Binance smart chain blockchain. It supports all wallets that are supported by its parent blockchain. BSC supports Metamask. The individuals that chose to play 2PED Metaverses must already possess a Metamask wallet prior hand.
Once the user possesses a Metamask wallet, he/she will have to convert their digital currency to $2PED, which is the native currency on a 2PED Metaverse platform. All transactions on this platform are made in $2PED.
Moreover, rewards are also made in $2PED and the liquidity mining program also accepts only the native currency of the platform for liquidity pools.
Some part of the 2PED Metaverse in the game can be paid for through relevant NFT that are required. Payment of this sort will also be applicable in some cases, as and when required.