Project Architecture

The 2PED Metaverse project protocol comprises three layers ● Consensus layer Track assets ownership and its content ● Asset content layer It enables downloading of assets with a decentralized dist

Asset ownership is established at the consensus layer, where assets and other gaming content is referenced through a hash of file’s content. This downloaded file will then contain a description of sounds, objects, texture, and other elements required to render the scene. This reference also contains a URL of a rendezvous connection to coordinate the connection between P2P.

Consensus layer

2PED Metaverse will use Binance smart chain, smart contracts to maintain a ledger of ownership of assets in 2PED Metaverse. Each asset here possesses unique (x,y) coordinates, an owner, and a reference to the content description file, that will encode what the asset owner wants to do with his in-game assets.

Content distribution layer

2PED Metaverse uses a decentralized storage protocol to distribute the content needed to render the 2PED Metaverse. For each parcel rendered, a reference to the file is retrieved from the smart contract. This reference includes the description of the parcel’s content.

This decentralized distribution system aids in the proper functionality of the 2PED Metaverse without the need for a centralized infrastructure. This system enables the game structure to

stand as long as the player ’s content is supporting the game. It does so by shifting the cost to the same members that benefit from it.

Meanwhile, the cost of hosting these files, and bandwidth required to serve this content is being served by the user out of sheer goodwill. However, in the near future, the project aims to develop a cost distribution structure.

Real-time layer

Users in 2PED Metaverse will be able to communicate with each other through developing Peer-to-peer connections with the aid of servers hosted by asset owners and third parties.

Without a centralized structure, peer-to-peer connections are crucial to provide a social connection among users of the platform.

To coordinate these connections among different users, asset owners will have to provide rendezvous servers.

Last updated