

The 2PED Metaverse staking pools allow our users to lock up their $2PED holdings in our staking pools to earn extraordinary APY with standard and compound staking services. Following are the staking pools on the platform with their predetermined APY and maturity time span.

● Staking pool 1 (Standard staking)

Stake $2PED, Earn $2PED.

Maturity time period 90 days

APY 5%

● Staking pool 2 (Standard staking)

Stake $2PED, Earn $2PED.

Maturity time period 120 days

APY 7.5%

● Staking pool 3 (Standard/compound)

Stake $2PED, Earn $2PED.

Maturity time period 180 days

APY 12%

● Staking pool 4 (Compound Staking)

Stake $2PED, Earn $2PED.

Maturity time period 220 days

APY 25%

The staking on the platform is enabled to assist members to earn a passive source of income. However, the APY generated on the platform is through a proper formulation

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